james pauls • photographer

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Think Wedding...

Looking for wedding photos for communications or are you looking for an editorial/commercial photography style wedding... we can help.
Search for useful wedding photos in my portfolios here: click link
eyecrave at Getty Images
eyecrave at iStock Photo
For wedding pricing click eyecrave weddings or you can email us here: eyecrave email

eyecrave™ ...you look good.™ James Pauls • photographer www.eyecravephotography.com

Sunday, February 25, 2018

It's been refreshing to get out for nature shots this winter doing shooting briefs for Getty™ images. My Canon 5DS is a killer camera at 56 megapixels - and my iPhone 7plus at 12 megapixels.
There's so much opportunity for photography portfolio expansion... adding to my fashion and editorial some wildlife and new stock shoots with families while living in such a beautiful part of the country... Western Colorado. 
I'm always looking for more models both individuals and families who would love to venture outdoors for some stock photography shoots ...if that's you, email me and we can make arrangements for a shoot at james@eyecrave.com - we can make it happen!
Links: Stock Photos at Getty™ and Stock Photos at iStock™


eyecrave™ ...you look good.™ James Pauls • photographer www.eyecravephotography.com

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Winter is finally finding its way to Western Colorado!
It's been fun to get out for some shoot time with upgraded equipment and my iPhone shooting briefs for Getty™ images. 
Links: Stock Photos at Getty™ & Stock Photos at iStock™

Catch up with me on instagram and keep up-to-date with new posts.

eyecrave™ ...you look good.™ James Pauls • photographer www.eyecravephotography.com