Things are remaining very busy with at least one "away" trip per month to a pretty cool location - it's part of the plan.
Last month we went to Seattle and spent time with our friends Monty and Renee, took engagement photos of their daughter Ashley and Craig and some spontaneous family pics including some of their first grandson and his parents. Seattle is an amazing place to visit - I love the pacific northwest.
I'm in the process of making revisions in my branding - logo changes, new business cards and some backgrounds for social networks. Next will be the website look and some content changes.
My stock portfolio is continuing grow ::: eyecrave at istock ::: and the following links will enable those needing stock images for media and communications easy access to my over 12,400 images.
::: family ::: teens & young adults ::: girls & women ::: boys & men ::: nature ::: the homeless ::: relationships ::: ethnic diversity ::: holiday & memorial ::: religious imagery ::: cities... ::: homes & real estate ::: food... ::: sports... ::: decor & backgrounds ::: government buildings
You can also follow my updated galleries at my photography site or on my facebook photography page as you have interest.
best regards...
James Pauls • photographer