Hi again... I/we got back home about a week ago from a great time out east and in Canada. We drove from Springfield, Missouri to Jeffersonville, Vermont to shoot a wedding. It was a beautiful wedding an tons of fun. During our trip we went trough 14 states and saw many things we never had like, Niagara Falls, Montreal (Canada), Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and all the places between. I photographed as many state capitols as possible and we covered almost 4000 miles in 7 days. The power steering went out on my Land Rover during our return trip and I slept for about 2 hours and that was the only time I didn't drive. It's great to be home and prepare for upcoming photo shoot and get images uploaded to my stock portfolio.
You can see all my stock images by clicking HERE.
You can see all my capitols in one lightbox by clicking HERE.
My facebook photography page and galleries are HERE ... sign up to be a fan to stay up-to-date with my uploads.
The next trip is to Seattle and then hopefully Ft. Myers, FL and Mexico following that....
Feel free to write, call or even tweet me on twitter.
all the best...
James Pauls • photographer