james pauls • photographer

Sunday, December 20, 2009

wrapping up 2009 - studio open house 2010

As I begin, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and the greatest New Year ever...

October was a busy month and ended with a trip to western Colorado.
That trip involved helping my
mother get some things done around her house and securing an older mountain cabin to prevent break-ins.

Also, I enjoyed 3
days of photo shoots with friends involving creative and seasonal stock photography themes. I threw in a photo shoot for one of our nephews who is a senior this year.

November wasn't any less busy but it was just as much fun.
I spent much time guiding the design of my new
studio and taking care of several commercial and corporate photo shoots.
We went to St Louis during Thanksgiving weekend as a family and had a great time together - going out to eat, running around downtown and part of a day at the city museum (a
very cool place).

December 1 was my first day at the new eyecrave
photography studio and over the past few weeks it has been coming together nicely. It is great to have an indoor option for photo shoots and a place where ideas can develop with precision in preparation for a shoot. It is a very simple and clean studio with a modern look.
Since my focus is
stock photography it is designed to allow for shoots anywhere inside.

My portfolio will
continue to be displayed online and through my photo books and materials.
December 20 - that means 2009 is soon to be a memory.
This has been an exciting year, starting out with a launch of my photography business full-time - it is exciting to watch it grow. Now, with the opportunity to grow even more with dedicated space I am excited for 2010 and what lies ahead.

My stock photography portfolio will ta
ke on more shape with added creativity and depth. My corporate and personal (family,wedding,senior...) will continue by request only. In addition to this I will be seeking out additional models (individuals and families) to assist me in developing concepts to add to my commercial stock portfolio. I'll be starting the New Year (01.01.10) with a wedding shoot - LOL.

Peggy Jo, my wife, has experienced a great year in Real Estate and I am excited to see how she does in the upcoming year.

She is very good at working with people, helping them find what they need and helping them sell what they have.

children, Everett and Erin are stepping out on their own and making us so proud with how they are facing independence and the life that lies ahead. I want to thank everyone who has contributed in so many way to help me and my family this year during the challenges of transition in business and life. God has blessed us with direction and provision and so many wonderful friends!

Please visit us during our studio open house in January.

OPEN HOUSE: January 29, 5-8 pm (arrive and leave at your convenience)

LOCATION: 2209 Petrus Circle Ozark, MO 65721

PHONE: 417.569.6209

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

best regards...
James Pauls • photographer

Friday, October 23, 2009

sweet shots and sweet opportunities

...about time for an update

I have been delayed in updating my blog this month because so much is happening as I work hard to stay ahead. I ended last month with a shoot in Fort Myers, Florida shooting candy for Norman Love Confections through a SW Florida marketing company, Priority Marketing. It was an intense time of work - enjoyable and productive.

December 1 (or a few days sooner) I will be moving into a new photo studio in Ozark, Missouri where we live. It took me quite awhile to consider the overhead of a building as "the cost of doing business" and take the leap. It will provide the space needed to expand my commercial photography options and substantially build my stock photography portfolio. I will be offering some specials, like free photo shoots to interested models and families and/or business shoots to add variety and expand my commercial stock photography selections at istockphoto.com/eyecrave. More information will follow... Feel free to contact me with questions.

We will host an eyecrave photography "open house" sometime in December - watch for details mid to late November.

A trip to Colorado is in the works which includes some time with family, friends and a couple days shooting stock photos with several other photographers.

It is a blast to grow a business... challenging... and a real blast.

all the best...
James Pauls • photographer

Thursday, September 3, 2009

branding update and stock links

Things are remaining very busy with at least one "away" trip per month to a pretty cool location - it's part of the plan.
Last month we went to Seattle and spent time with our friends Monty and Renee, took engagement photos of their daughter Ashley and Craig and some spontaneous family pics including some of their first grandson and his parents. Seattle is an amazing place to visit - I love the pacific northwest.

I'm in the process of making revisions in my branding - logo changes, new business cards and some backgrounds for social networks. Next will be the website look and some content changes.

My stock portfolio is continuing grow ::: eyecrave at istock ::: and the following links will enable those needing stock images for media and communications easy access to my over 12,400 images.
::: family ::: teens & young adults ::: girls & women ::: boys & men ::: nature ::: the homeless ::: relationships ::: ethnic diversity ::: holiday & memorial ::: religious imagery ::: cities... ::: homes & real estate ::: food... ::: sports... ::: decor & backgrounds ::: government buildings
You can also follow my updated galleries at my photography site or on my facebook photography page as you have interest.

best regards...

James Pauls • photographer

Thursday, August 6, 2009

back home

Hi again... I/we got back home about a week ago from a great time out east and in Canada. We drove from Springfield, Missouri to Jeffersonville, Vermont to shoot a wedding. It was a beautiful wedding an tons of fun. During our trip we went trough 14 states and saw many things we never had like, Niagara Falls, Montreal (Canada), Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and all the places between. I photographed as many state capitols as possible and we covered almost 4000 miles in 7 days. The power steering went out on my Land Rover during our return trip and I slept for about 2 hours and that was the only time I didn't drive. It's great to be home and prepare for upcoming photo shoot and get images uploaded to my stock portfolio.
You can see all my stock images by clicking
You can see all my capitols in one lightbox by clicking
My facebook photography page and galleries are
HERE ... sign up to be a fan to stay up-to-date with my uploads.
The next trip is to Seattle and then hopefully Ft. Myers, FL and Mexico following that....

Feel free to write, call or even tweet me on
all the best...

James Pauls • photographer


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Facebook free photo use

I pulled the information below from a news feed. You'll find helpful details to assist with protecting the use of your photos on Facebook by modifying privacy settings. I have a vested interest as a photographer to make sure I monitor use and prevent as much unauthorized use as possible related to my photos. I want to protect my clients as much as possible while maintaining my intellectual property and creative rights.

Social networks are making this a challenge - our practices of digital copyrights (often lost upon lo-res conversion) and watermarks (see image above) can prevent some unwanted use while we continue to serve our customers with quality images and the ability to display them.

all the best... James

By Larry Collins
Reporter Published: July 20, 2009 The next time you log on to Facebook, don’t be surprised if you see your face staring back at you in an advertisement. Facebook’s sponsors can use your pictures without paying you. You may remember the controversy surrounding the Facebook terms of services and their use of our pictures. There is a new use of pictures that has many scratching their heads. Sponsors can use your Facebook photos to advertise, making you a spokesperson for services and products. One woman says her husband logged on to Facebook to find her picture advertising a dating site as a “hot single.“ When I logged on to the site, I also found that my picture was used to promote a dating website. If you don’t opt out of social ads, Facebook can use your picture. The computer system collects information about you and when your friends log on they see you. If you become a fan of a product, your picture may show up in the ad for the product.

The good news, is that it’s an easy fix. All you need to do is change your settings.
Here are the simple steps:

* Go to the settings tab
* Then to the privacy section

* Look at the news feed and wall section
* Then go to Facebook ads option and appearance in Facebook ads
* Click “no one”

original article link

You can find this information on my facebook photography page and while you are there sign up to be a fan for future photography news.

best regards...
James Pauls • photographer www.eyecravephotography.com

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Colorado photos

I added new photos from my recent trip to Colorado at the following link.
colorado pics
it was great to be with family and spend some time in the arid west again.
This featured photo is now available for purchase for your communications here...
small town theater

best regards...

James Pauls • photographer

Friday, May 29, 2009

Our World • volume one

My most recent book has been published and ready for your review OUR WORLD • volume one.
It is the first of a series and then a compilation about OUR WORLD - Culture and Ethnicity.

There is so much to learn from the people around us and so much we can do to make a positive impact on society.


best regards...
James Pauls • photographer

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

southwestern US

The end of February and the beginning of March I found myself in New Mexico and Arizona (a planned trip) for a speaking commitment I had scheduled months ago. During my time there I was able to take a series of photos - a journal of the experience.
Here is some of what I saw in the southwest...

James Pauls • photographer

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

OUR WORLD - culture and ethnicity

Thank you for dropping in...
I am working on a very exciting project concerning our culture and the vast ethnic diversity we experience all around us - world-wide and specifically in the United States.

Over the next year it will develop to the point that it will become a piece of art to be released through exhibits and a pictorial publication.
The first of many photo shoots took place February 7, 2009 at Big Momma's coffee and espresso bar in Springfield Missouri involving approximately 20 people. Additional shoots will be planned for Springfield and other United states locations in upcoming weeks/months. I will also add to this project trough images collected during my travels involving journalistic-style shots and portraits.

I am excited about how this photographic effort is bringing people together who may not otherwise have the opportunity to meet. Already, I feel honored to have met a number of people from various backgrounds. This project gives me much joy and opportunity for new, meaningful, relationships.
Warmest regards,

james at istock
or my
general portfolio
or my
facebook page ... and sign up as a fan even and add me as a friend!
and why not do the same at
my myspace site best regards...

James Pauls • freelance photographer


Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Year • New Ideas

It's time for some new ideas.

I was in discussion last evening with someone about our economy and what we really don't much know about all that is happening around us - we just know there is much reaction and speculation.

Let me propose that we hold onto hope. We can't lose if we dare to have hope and share hope with those around us. It may be that your hope is grounded in your faith, possibly family and for some it is in wealth. Hope is most genuine when found in a source outside our control. Do you know where your hope comes from?

Here's a random thought... smile at someone today!

A new photography endeavor I am pursuing is a project on ethnic diversity called, "OUR WORLD: Culture and Ethnicity. There is an element of secrecy involved in that participants are required to complete a "non-disclosure" agreement concerning concept and content until the project is released early 2010 or slightly before. It is pretty exciting and I anticipate you may even want to buy the book resulting from this year-long effort.

We discuss diversity and we acknowledge it but do we really realize how vast it is and how it impacts culture... us?

I plan to live with sustained hope, smile often and discover more about people...all people.

Warm regards,

james at istock
or my
general portfolio
or my
facebook page ... and sign up as a fan even and add me as a friend!
and why not do the same at
my myspace site best regards...

James Pauls • freelance photographer


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I am excited for all that this new year will bring...

Over the past few weeks I have been developing photography concepts and exploring areas I may not have already touched on.

The opportunity to meet new people and travel is increasing and I am enthused about that... compassion, humanitarian, missions and even business, journalistic-style, shoots will enable me to help other tell their story.

My commercial stock sales are increasing and I'll be posting new concepts and ideas that should expand my audience and produce increased results.

If you stumble onto my simple blog, drop me a note and share your ideas, photography needs or potential leads for work.

I wish you the most prosperous year ever in 2009!

james at istock
or my general portfolio
or my facebook page ... and sign up as a fan even and add me as a friend!
and why not do the same at my myspace site

best regards...
James Pauls • freelance photographer