In a few days it will be almost a month since I've launched out on this journey of full-time photography.
It could be scary, but somehow faith makes me feel (or maybe know) everything will be just fine. I don't enjoy roller-coasters... however, I do enjoy risk... maybe you lose it all or maybe your expectations are exceeded beyond imagination in positive ways... I choose the latter as I anticipate growth, spiritually, personally, emotionally, relationally and through the overall experience of building a business through relationships, intense effort and quality.
Much has happened in this short period of time and I have been busy:
• a new president has been elected
• ...secured several businesses as clients
• ...made attempts to connect with humanitarian organizations (one shoot planned this spring!)
• ...shot some shoots to use for commercial stock photography
• ...many phone calls
• ...prepared marketing tools
• ...building relationships/friendships
• ...working hard
• ...striving toward excellence
• ...listening to wise people
• ...learning, quickly I hope
• set 2009 goals
• shoot concepts
• secure a variety of models, style, age, ethnicity, gender
• connecting with businesses and compassion/humanitarian orgs. to tell their story.
• networking and making many more friends
• anticipating referrals
If you know anyone who needs commercial stock images please send them to my istockphoto link - james at istock
or my general portfolio
or my facebook page ... and sign up as a fan even and add me as a friend!
and why not do the same at my myspace site
The photo above helps me illustrate how effectively photos communicate... I can help.
best regards...
James Pauls • freelance photographer